"To know Jesus and make Him known."

2023 Christmas Dinner

Paul Carpentier

A big shout out to Paul Carpentier for all of his hard work cooking and organizing all of this!

We had an amazing, yet humbling, Christmas Day Dinner at St. Paul’s

What a  privilege to be the hands and feet delivering God’s provisions and love to those in need. One hundred and eight guests were fed, with many having seconds (+). There was 140 lbs of turkey and 30 lbs of ham, plus all the fixings, consumed. They really wanted their meat and potatoes, and surprisingly went light on desserts. Nine people received a portion of the 40 lb turkey that Kawartha Food Services had us cook and pass on to those in need. We also gave out many a take home left-over package to help them out.

It was so rewarding, but again humbling. There were 21 exceptional volunteers who made the event successful. They intuitively saw what needed to be done and made it happen. It was obvious (and verbalized) how much being part of this dinner “Made Their Christmas”. My heartfelt thanks goes out to them. I also wish to thank Bev Baxter and Betty Hooper for being our greeters. We all know the warm, outgoing personalities these ladies have, and they set the mood for each guest coming in (and going out). People were truly welcomed to St. Pauls’. Thanks go to Linda and Larry Todd for helping me through the last minute rush (+), and to Phyllis for all the hours she put in (before, during and after). Thanks to David Strickland for the wonderful Christmas music he provided on his guitar. Finally, my thanks goes out to each of you for the desserts, donations, and other places where you stepped up to help make this much needed dinner happen.

God Bless.  Paul Carpentier – Convenor

Are You Prepared?

Rev. Bonnie Skerritt, Canon Greg, and guest speakers spoke about: spirituality, funeral pre-arrangements and aftercare, finances, stewardship, benevolent giving, and tax implications, estate planning, wills, MAID (medically assisted dying), and hospice services.

Are You Prepared?

Our “Are You Prepared?” Seminars were very informative and well attended! Thanks to the moderator John Sale, and the presenters: Rev. Bonnie, Linden Mackey, Peter Misiaszek, Tyler Wagg, Alan Wotherspoon, and Canon Greg!

Are you Prepared?

Seminar 1 (Sept 19)

Are you Prepared?

Seminar 2 (Sept 26)

St. Paul’s New Food Pantry

Food Pantry

New St. Paul’s Pantry blessed and opened to the public on August 13th.

Food Pantry

Filled and ready to help.

Spring Thaw Dinner & Auction

It was a fun sold out evening!!  An enthusiastic crowd gathered in the Parish hall to enjoy an evening of  delicious food, humour and the antics of “Loonie auction craziness”

Spring ThawMy thanks to all – So many enthusiastic individuals are needed to make such a successful evening happen!

Let me begin by sending heartfelt thanks to –  (and risking leaving someone out)

  • the Donors of the many items in the Silent and Loonie auctions.  You have been very generous
  • to Linda Todd and Gina Coleman, Carol Augustine and Michal Wallen for developing and overseeing the auctions – a wonderful team.
  • To our Master of Ceremonies, Don Brohm and our auctioneer, Pat O’Reilly.  Don and Pat together provided much comedy with their energetic and humorous styles .  They are a dynamic duo !
  • To our caterer,  Charmin’s Wholesale Catering and staff for a delicious dinner that was enjoyed by all!
  • To Heather Banham, our wine steward and to Lorna Green, our gracious hostess
  • the group of energetic volunteers (Don Brohm, Eileen and Paul Davies, Shirley Williams, Bev Baxter, Carol Augustine, Gina Coleman and Shirley Hanes who moved and set tables, and  stuffed glasses
  • to Linda Todd and Betty Tyndall who designed the posters and the tickets
  • and, LAST,  BUT CERTAINLY NOT LEAST, to Jo Sale and Linda Todd who laundered ALL the tablecloths!
  • and to all other helpers who assisted us in any way.

Of course, a success only results by the support of all who attended and joined in the fun!

The evening was a financial success raising well over $3500.00

A Huge thanks to all

Barb Truax

Our wonderful Caterers



Another sold out, successful Spring Thaw Dinner event!   A delicious catered meal, lots of great items in both the loonie and silent auctions to bid on, and of course, the beautifully decorated room and tables!  Thanks to all who organized this event or donated auction items, and thanks to those who attended!  Well done!

Agape Meal On Maundy Thursday

This was our second annual Agape Meal during Holy Week, and again it was well-attended.

Rev. Bonnie led us through Maundy Thursday readings, and a reflection, and our choir led the singing of four hymns.  The Sisterhood provided a delicious lunch of soup and biscuits.

Agape Meal

Our Easter Messy Church Event

On the afternoon of Palm & Passion Sunday, Rev. Bonnie, and the Messy Church team provided children and adults with a variety of Easter-themed activities, music, stories, and food!  We even had our own Palm Procession in the church hall!  Stay tuned for our next Messy Church event later this year!



Generous Donations Of Hygiene Products!

A number of St. Paul’s members generously donated hygiene products, or money so that Rev. Bonnie could purchase them in response to an urgent need request by the local Salvation Army Community Ministries.  Thank you for helping provide these essential products to our local community members.

Generous Donations

Tower of Tins Food Drive

This year, Reverend Bonnie established a target of 450 (last year’s total) tins of protein and/or veg to be donated to the Tower. Extremely happy to report that through the collective generosity of the St. Paul’s community, Kawartha Lakes Food Source received 600 items of food to support their 15+ community groups across the region !!! A special thanks also goes out to Lindsay Tai Chi for their contributions. As an FYI, this is separate from the donations of fresh produce for our Harvest Thanksgiving service. Those donations will be delivered separately.Tower of Tins

2022 Fashion Show

Great fashions and a wonderful afternoon at St. Paul’s Sunday . The committee would like to thank everyone who helped with putting this together from sandwich making, cheesecake, making tea coffee, plating, serving, dishwasher, decorating, putting tables up and cleaning up, selling draw tickets, greeting at the door as well as our models. We are also so very grateful to Cathy Allen’s, Brittany Bros, Kate Co, Down to Earth, Chesler ‘s Shoes, The Lingerie Loft, Nisbett’s Clothier and Kent’s Florist from downtown Lindsay. A big thank you to Print Muskoka for printing and donating our tickets and signs. We also would like to say thanks to all of you who purchased tickets to make our Fashion Show a great success!
Your Fashion Show committee Donna Williams Carol Hughes Jo-Anne Burridge

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