"To know Jesus and make Him known."


St. Paul’s Church New Office Hours

  • Tuesdays 9am to noon
  • Thursday 9am to noon


Designated Givings

DESIGNATED GIVING #215 for July is in support of Giving with Grace Healing Fund.  It’s by giving with love that we can bring spiritual care to Canada’s First Peoples, injured by our Church’s involvement in the residential schools.  And it is through our donations, given with grace, that each of us becomes an instrument of Christian kindness and reconciliation.


  • Tea with the VicarTea with the Vicar – Rev. Bonnie invites you to join her for afternoon tea again this Summer. This year the dates are Wednesday, July 24th; Thursday, August 1st; and Monday, August 12th. This was very popular last year, so please be sure to sign up soon!
  • Summer Grapevine is now available.  If you would like to read yours here, please download and enjoy.
  • Summer Services – Sunday morning services will once again be held in the air-conditioned comfort of our Main Hall over the summer (July 7—September 1). Please note: due to many technical issues in the past summers, there will be no live-streaming during this summer.
  • Please note that we have implemented a the cut off date for any changes to the Booklet, (used on Sundays) also to This and That and the Prayer List. Any changes must be received in the office before noon on Tuesdays. Thank you! Lectors requiring large print readings will find them in the blue folder on the bulletin board outside the office.
  • St Paul’s Pantry in Winter We have put together a list of foods suitable for winter in the cupboard. Below are some ideas. A full list will be available in the Booklet and in the main hall. Some suggestions are below: Peanut butter, Dried beans, Beef Jerky, crackers, fruit cups, cup a soup, cup a noodles. Pablum. Toiletries such as toilet paper deodorant, soap, feminine hygiene products.
    We thank everyone who contributes to the St. Paul’s Pantry. You can see the original list of foods to donate here.

Sunday Services


Online services are usually live streamed on Sundays at 10am on  St. Paul’s YouTube channel
They are then available on Mondays here on our sermons page.  Please consider subscribing to our YouTube channel and Facebook page.  Please visit our sermon page to watch current and past sermons/services.

You can also get an alert when we go live, click on the bell to the right of the subscribed box. Our YouTube channel is at
We look forward to seeing you there!

subscribe notifications


Consider giving the same amount that you would normally give while in church as a Pre-Authorized Giving (PAG). Fill out the form here with whatever you can manage. And you can get it to us in a few ways: print off, fill out, and either:

A) mail into the Church office
B) drop off at the church during office hours
C) use the Locked mail box on the wall of the Russell St W. door
D) Call the office and ask for their form to be picked up
E) For the digitally savvy, scan the form, and attach it to an email and send to the office at office@st-pauls-lindsay.ca.

For one off donations, you can use PayPal, below.

Thank you.