"To know Jesus and make Him known."

Youth Programs under 12

Youth Programs

Messy Church

What is “Messy Church”?  Messy Church originated in England in 2004 by Lucy Moore, who wanted a way to be “church” to children and families, who often were not involved in a local church.  Thus, Messy Church was created to be a welcoming, multi-generational, Christ-centred and fun way to experience “church”.  By 2007, Messy Church started up in Canada, and continues to be used in a variety of churches.

Here at St. Paul’s, “Messy Church” offers a Christ-centered program for children and adults to participate in activities, stories, songs, and a shared meal in a fun, casual way.  Each Messy Church event is based on a central theme, such as Easter, Advent, Lent etc.

Right now we have been offering “Messy Church” to youngsters and the young at heart. “Messy Church” is a fun way for children to experience church as they do crafts, sing songs, listen to stories, and share a meal together based on a Christian theme. Stay tuned for our next Messy Church later in 2023.

Messy Church

Past Messy Church Events