"To know Jesus and make Him known."

Author Archive for St Pauls – Page 4

Join our new Coffee Club

image by Cyril SalnierSomething new is brewing:  ST. PAUL’S COFFEE CLUB –

Wednesdays 10:00 a.m. till 11:15 a.m.

Drop in for a cup of coffee, or tea, and a friendly chat when you have time and stay for as long as you wish.

Here are a few images of our first coffee club.

Royal Wedding Party at St. Paul’s

Twenty people gathered at St. Paul’s Church in the wee hours of Saturday morning to join in the festivities via TV of the Royal Wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan. The parish hall was decorated for a wedding reception, cake, favours etc.  The church secretary provided us with a copies of the Order of Service  that was being used at St. George’s Chapel, Windsor Castle. We all participated as if we were in the congregation. A fun time was had by all.

Click on any image to see a larger version.

2018 Mother’s Day Concert

What a beautiful day.  Enjoy the photos.  Click on any image to see it larger.

2018 Spring Thaw

SPRING THAW 2018 – Dinner and Auctions  APRIL 7, 2018

It was a fantastic evening!!  A capacity crowd gathered in the Parish hall to enjoy an evening of delicious food, humour and the antics of “Loonie auction craziness”

My thanks to all – So many enthusiastic individuals are needed to make such a successful evening!

Let me begin by sending kudos to

  • the donors of the many items in the auctions.  You have been very generous
  • to Linda Todd and her committee of Patti Fisher and Gina Coleman for developing and overseeing the auctions.
  • Our Master of Ceremonies, Don Brohm and
  • Our auctioneer, Michael Green.  Don and Michael together provided comic relief with their energetic and humerous styles.  They are a dynamic duo !
  • Chef extraordinaire, Edna Smith, and the wait staff of happy volunteers, provided by Betty Drummond catered another delicious dinner that was enjoyed by all
  • To Paul Davies, our wine steward
  • the group of energetic men and women (Eileen and Paul Davies, Pam Todhunter, Shirley Williams, Harold Brown and Bev Baxter who moved and set tables, stuffed glasses and washed linens
  • to Valerie for ticket design and her many timely suggestions

Of course, a success results by the support of all who attended and joined in the fun!

The evening was a financial success.  A Huge thanks to all ~ Barb Truax

Click on any image to see it larger.

Grilled cheese sandwiches for Queen Vic

St. Paul’s has partnered with Cambridge St. United Church to provide a Friday meal for children at Queen Victoria Public School.  Doreen Sinclair from Cambridge St. provided the bread and cheese, St. Paul’s grills and packed up the sandwiches .

Today 170 sandwiches were delivered . This pilot program will continue till the end of June, with the hope to continue in the fall.

St Paul’s Easter Long Term Care Luncheon

75 people attended our Annual Easter Long-term Care service with guests from the local nursing homes. A Delicious luncheon was served afterwards, lovingly prepared by our kitchen volunteers.

A special thank you to all the volunteers who helped set up the tables, assisted in moving our guests from the buses to the church, our choir and Bob Tompkins our guest organist, and our lay readers.

To see a larger version of the images, please click on any photo and scroll through.

St. Paul’s at Easter

We hope everyone is well this Easter.

2018 Seder Supper

A night of learning about Passover in the book of Exodus.  Edna Smith and the Happy Cooks served up a delicious meal of chicken , lamb, etc.

2018 Lenten Lectures

The Youth Group attended with the Lenten study group participants watching session 7 on the Crucifixion Tuesday night.
And the youth sang a song before the Holy Tuesday’s evening  Eucharist.
Click on any image to see larger versions.

ETA visit with Rev. Mary Margaret Boone

The Rev. Mary Margaret Boone spoke to the ETA group about her recent trip to Israel and show pictures on the 8th of March. She had many little anecdotes about the country. Mary Margaret is presently the United Church Minister of the Janetville Charge south of Lindsay.

To view larger images, please click on any picture and then scroll through the rest.