Ministries and Groups of St. Paul’s
At St. Paul’s we have been so blessed to have clergy and lay people offering their time and talents so that a variety of ministries can flourish! Plus, we are grateful to the many volunteers who come out and support these ministries!! Here is a brief overview of our current ministries and groups. If you want to contact any of these groups, please call (705-324-4666) or email ( the church office.
Worship Committee
Led by Rev. Bonnie, this committee meets to discuss, review, and plan worship ideas for upcoming services, special services and other events.
Spiritual Development Committee
Led by Rev. Bonnie, this committee meets to discuss, review, and plan spiritual development for the parish.
Pastoral Care
Please speak with Rev. Bonnie to find out more about Pastoral Care, hospital and home visits, and supports offered at St. Paul’s.
Lay Pastoral Visitors
We have dedicated teams of volunteers who visit local nursing homes regularly so that the residents can participate in services of readings and music. Our teams visit Frost Manor, Caressant Care, and other homes within the local community.
Music Ministry
Music is an integral part of worship services at St. Paul’s, and we are privileged to have hymns lead by our choir, and cantors. Our sanctuary has a lovely Keates pipe organ, and an trusty old Heintzman piano. This September, we welcomed back Arlene Gray as our Music Director. Arlene was our Music Director a few years ago. Our choir is always happy to welcome new singers.
Chancel Guild
The Chancel Guild is responsible for preparing the church each week for Sunday services, special services, weddings and funerals, and tidying up afterwards. These dedicated members also decorate the church at Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas.
Presently, our eight volunteers work in groups of two, with one pair covering one week in the month. New members are always welcome!
Every service, we are grateful to have several lay readers who come up to the microphone and read the first and second readings.
Ushers, Greeters & Counters
Our ushers, greeters and counters have an important role to play at our services from welcoming people, distributing bulletins & worship materials, acting as ushers or guides, assisting with the collection plates, etc.
Faith & Friendship
This is a mid-week Morning Prayer & Bible Study offered by Rev. Bonnie specific weeks each year, and all are welcome! Each Faith & Friendship study focuses on biblical themes and related writings. There’s no need to sign up ahead of time, just come out and bring your bible!
In April – May 2024, Rev. Bonnie led a 6-week study on the Gospel of Mark, along with the writings of N.T. Wright.
St. Paul’s Archive Committee
Our church has a vast array of historical documents, photographs, and materials which require very careful handling, storing, and organizing so that our rich history is preserved for generations to come! Thus, members of our Archive Committee have an important role in keeping our archives properly preserved.
Special Events Team
St. Paul’s is a busy place, and the Special Events Team was created to oversee event ideas that are being proposed, facilitate events ideas that are approved, and then support event coordinators as they work with their volunteers on the event to bring it to a successful end.
Communications Group
The members of this group help to facilitate effective communication within our parish, and to the community and larger audience worldwide. Our quarterly Grapevine newsletter is a major source of church information, both as a printed document, and shared online.
We have a sign board out front, weekly service bulletins, and Parish news, a Facebook page, Website, live-streamed services, and more!
Outreach Committee
Our Outreach Committee strives to fulfill Jesus’ command to ‘love our neighbours as ourselves, on behalf of St. Paul’s. From stocking the “St. Paul’s Pantry” out front of the church; delivering donated clothes to local schools; supporting foster children in El Salvador, Dominican Republic, and Haiti; collecting for Stamp Out Poverty, the Angel Tree, and other causes – our Outreach Committee is a real blessing! (See more on our Community page).
Sisterhood Group
This group of ladies meets Thursday afternoons to enjoy conversation, tea, and time together as they knit beautiful items for those in need, as well as support other projects. The group has donated many knitted hats, scarves, mittens, slippers, etc. to local schools, Women’s Resources, and the Seafarers. Our Sisterhood group also helps fill personal and activity care bags for Women’s Resources. Donations are gratefully welcomed for these care bags!
St. Paul’s Book Club
The Book Club meets nine times each year to enjoy a delicious pot luck meal and a friendly discussion of the book selected by the group for that month. In the past year, the group read books set in Alaska, Canada, England, the U.S.A, and India, with themes such as home children, elderly love, political hijinks, medical challenges, a Canadian actor’s life struggles, and a 1950s woman navigating the world of science.
Bev Baxter, Betty Hooper, and Donna Gushue
A group on a mystery car pool tour
Connections (formerly “E.T.A”) offers opportunities for singles, and couples to get out of the house for a few hours and interact with other parishioners. In the past, groups have joined up to enjoy a meal at a restaurant and get to know one another better, or travelled north of Lindsay to partake in the beautiful fall colours and scenery, etc.
New ideas for outings are always welcome!
Designated Givings
The Designated Giving for January #215 will benefit the Alzheimer’s Society of Kawartha Lakes. Almost all of us know of someone – perhaps a person very dear to us – who has been diagnosed with dementia. Imagine if we could prolong whatever is now positive in their life. This is how the Alzheimer society helps: with specially designated programs and very practical guidance for friends and family. Our donations help strengthen this service.