Outreach Meeting
Community Outreach
St. Paul’s parish actively supports people and organizations locally, nationally, and internationally and our Outreach Committee plays a big part in that! From inviting guest speakers in to help educate and inform the parish of important and worthwhile causes, organizing and coordinating donations and ensuring they reach their destinations, bringing news back to the parish about our foster children, stocking and monitoring our church Food Pantry, and so much more! The Outreach Committee strives to fulfil Jesus’ command to ‘love our neighbours as ourselves’, on behalf of St. Paul’s. The need is great in so many areas of the local community and the world, and St. Paul’s is grateful for those who volunteer and support our Outreach Committee initiates.
St Paul’s Supports
- A Place Called Home
- Hospice Kawartha Lakes
- Women’s Resources
- Habitat for Humanity
- Kawartha-Haliburton Children’s Foundation
- Boys and Girls Club
- Big Brothers/Sisters
- John Howard Society
- Community Care
- Kawartha Lakes Pregnancy Centre
- Food Banks
- Alzheimer’s Society
- Kawartha Lakes Food Source
- Seafarers
- Loft
- Moorelands Camp
- Diocese of Yukon
- Arctic Diocese
- Living Waters
- Stephen Lewis Foundation
- Jamaican Self Help
- Doctors Without Borders
- Hope and Healing
- War Children
- Justice Mission Canada
- Support of Ukraine
Designated Givings Program
Every month St. Paul’s highlights one particular charity or organization in need, for those who are able to support financially through our Designated Givings Program. Each of our “designated giving” organizations is identified by a number, and people can send in donations by indicating that number on their envelope.
E.g. #40 supports Kawartha Lakes Food Source
Designated Givings
Designated Giving #215 for March will benefit the Kawartha Food Source. Ask any food source volunteer and they will tell you we are enduring an unprecedented local hunger crisis. More than ever, our donations are needed to help fill an urgent need for fresh produce, milk and eggs, and to support the food source meal programs.
Annual St. Paul’s Christmas Dinner
Our long-standing annual Christmas Dinner has become well known tradition in Lindsay, as we provide a full Christmas dinner and dessert for anyone who may be alone, or without the means of having Christmas dinner. Thanks to our kitchen crew and many volunteers, along with financial donations St. Paul’s had been able to continue providing these dinners free of charge to any and all who attend!