"To know Jesus and make Him known."

Author Archive for St Pauls – Page 9

How is your Lenten Journey Going?

Dear friends of St. Paul’s,

How is your Lenten journey going?

Lent and Journey.  Two words not always associated as spiritual partners by many people. Most know Lent is a season of the church identified with the liturgical colour purple.  Beyond that, Lent may be nothing more than the time before Easter.

The 40 days of Lent, a number related to Jesus’ time in the wilderness after His baptism, is a time of prayer, penitence, reflection and journey.  The journey isn’t to a specific place, but a journey into our own heart and soul.

The Lenten journey is an encounter with God who formed us, God who calls us by name, God who washes us with water and the Spirit, and then God who sends us into the world to help others begin their journey.  Lent is a journey that calls us to new faith and transformation.

As the Cross of Good Friday appears in the distance, Lent prepares us to stand with Jesus and hold firm to our faith.  Take time to sit and be silent. Read scripture, perhaps some favourite psalms.  Pray for others in need. Pray for peace in the world. Use Lent as a time to refocus and be fed by God through the Holy Spirit.

As Holy Week approaches, take note of the many services and the Seder Meal. Come and experience the drama of Holy Week, having been prepared by your Lenten journey.  Walk with Jesus: from the Last Supper to His prayers in the Garden; His betrayal and trial, and His sacrifice on the Cross.  Finally, join us and celebrate Jesus’ Resurrection on Easter Sunday.

May God bless you as you continue your journey through Lent.

The Rev. Warren Leibovitch


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Pancake Supper best yet!

More than 300 people (a record!)!enjoyed a delicious meal at our lunch and supper on Tuesday Feb 9.
Many thanks to all the volunteers who helped set up, cook and serve!

90th Birthday

Eileen Davies celebrated her 90th birthday at St. Paul’s on Saturday, February 6th from 2 – 4pm. Thank you to all who attended, and Happy Birthday Eileen!


The Great Party

Sometimes we forget who the guest of honour is during our Christmas festivities.  The St. Paul’s Youth Group reminded us who this day honours.

Order of the Diocese of Toronto

Order of the Diocese of Toronto is an award created to honour outstanding lay people in the church in the Diocese of Toronto.
We are pleased to announce that among those selected are

  • Mrs. Barbara Truax,  St. Paul, Lindsay and
  • Mrs. Lois Brennan, Parish of Bobcaygeon, Dunsford and Burnt River.

They were honored during choral evensong on Jan. 1st.  at St. James Cathedral following the Archbishop’s Levee.

Lois Brennan, ODT

Parish of Bobcaygeon, Dunsford and Burnt River
Mrs. Brennan has a lifetime of devotion to serving Jesus Christ. Her love for the church has been exemplified by leadership in liturgy, prayer, preaching, study and healing ministries. She has served for over nine decades in all aspects of parish life in many parishes. She is an inspiration to her fellow parishioners, as she continued her role of lay anointing until fall 2015.

Barbara Truax, ODT

St. Paul, Lindsay
Ms. Truax’s commitment to her Christian faith is exemplified both to her parish and her wider community. Her list of accomplishments over a period of more than 65 years is long, and she continues to take on new projects and guide them to completion. Ms. Truax is not just a hearer of the word, but a doer. She is a great inspiration to others in the parish and the community.

Christmas Day Dinner

We had a wonderful Christmas Dinner at St. Paul’s Lindsay.

51 Volunteers came out on Christmas Day to be food and drink servers, table hosts, greeters and cleaners for 132 guests!  There was an abundance of delicious food followed by a carol sing.

Many thanks to the volunteers and to Edna Smith and the Happy Cooks who prepared the meal!

Youth Christmas Party

The youth group Christmas dinner was a great night that included a practice for the upcoming youth presentation “The Great Party”. Some games, a craft, and Teen Alpha video .
23 youth, 4 parents and 1 grandparent enjoyed a delicious turkey dinner!
Many thanks to the volunteers who helped in the kitchen: Rev. Warren, Canon Greg & Bonnie, Michael & Jane, and Sue. Also thank you to Vicki, Denise and John who prepared the potatoes.

December 6th, 2015 Christmas Concert

On Sunday, December 6th, we had a wonderful concert entitled “A Festive Concert Of Christmas Music And Carols”

There were Arias from Handel’s Messiah, excerpts of Haydn’s St. Nicholas Mass. Congregational Carol singing. We were able to get a really good quality video that we are happy to share on YouTube. Enjoy!

King Albert School Pageant

We visited with King Albert School.  There were 28 grade 4-6 children and 38 children from grades 1-3 who participated in crafts, enjoy snacks, perform in a pageant and learn about Christmas.

Remembrance Sunday 2015