"To know Jesus and make Him known."

Author Archive for St Pauls – Page 8

Music Program gets generous boost

Lindy Mackey

St. Paul’s Anglican Church has received a very generous donation from Lindy Mackey of Mackey Funeral Home towards the music program for our 180th Anniversary. The donation is so generous that it will help us fund other music guests into 2017. From Lindy Mackey

“We are pleased to support the presence of music in this 180th anniversary celebration. Music is a common language we all enjoy….it is uplifting…it influences the heart and soul of each who feel it. It is a gift for all to participate in. Congratulations on 180 years.”

Please join us in thanking Lindy for this wonderful gesture.

180th Anniversary

The 10 am service with Bishop Michael Bedford-Jones on our 180th Anniversary.  Reception with cake afterwards.

2016 Market Day

Market Day was a huge success again this year.  Here are a few images to see what you missed (or to see if you know the shoppers!)

Click on any image to enlarge it.

St Paul’s Backyard BBQ

Here are some pictures of our recent backyard BBQ.  A good time was had by all.

Car Show

We had a fantastic day today at the Antique Car and Auto Show at the Lindsay Exhibition grounds. Our food booth was a busy place!

Thank you to all the volunteers who came out to help.


Amnesty International

This year St. Paul’s hosted Amnesty International’s annual dinner. The focus this year was Syria. The food was a selection of delicious Syrian foods.

Gordon Brown sings

This is our music director Gordon Brown singing a part of “The Holy City”

Good luck to the Baxters

glen-baxterGlen Baxter was our guest preacher this morning for Good Shepherd Sunday. Glen has been a sheep farmer of 300 sheep for years, just outside the town.
Glen has been at St. Paul’s most of his life, but he and Katherine will be moving to Saskatchewan to join some of their children in a few weeks.
Today was also a chance for people to say goodbye and wish them well. Good luck Glen and Katherine!

Spring Thaw

Our Spring Thaw was a wonderful success.

The food was delicious and the night was fun. We had a silent auction, loonie auction and a live auction- all in support of our ministries at St. Paul’s.

A Special SPRING THAW Thank you

Another fun night was held on April 16 with a delicious dinner catered by our very own Edna Smith and the very capable wait staff.  They are truly professionals!

We appreciated the generosity of Pat O’Reilly, our City of Kawartha Lakes councillor for his time to auctioneer the Live and Loonie auctions.

Introduced this year was the Loonie Auction.  It provided much entertainment along with the humorous antics of Mike Green and Pat.  Theme baskets were auctioned with some people ‘winning’ them for as little as $1.00!!!!

We are indebted to all those who donated items for the three auctions and the theme baskets.  You have been very generous to this event.

Sincere thanks are extended to all who assisted in all setting up tables and laundering tablecloths.  Hats off to Gerald Armstrong, our wine master, Betty Tyndall our hostess.

Our hats go off to all who participated in any way (especially to Valerie and Dave, our staff who eased this event).

I extend my very sincere personal thanks to my committee of Linda Todd and Patti Fisher for their diligence with the preparation and execution of the Silent, Live and Loonie Auctions. — a job well done!!

Finally, and by no means lastly, we thank everyone who attended and gave support to this annual event.

Barb Truax

Easter Long Term Care Services



We had approximately 73 people for the special service and lunch today

Many thanks to the volunteers who helped make and serve lunch, help with the wheelchairs and sang in the choir.