"To know Jesus and make Him known."

Author Archive for St Pauls – Page 11

Bible Challenge Potluck

Approximately 50 people attended the Bible Challenge Wrap up & Pot Luck at All Saints Peterborough on April 22nd. Five our our own members attended.

It included table discussions and A Biblical Story telling of part of the Book of Acts.

Easter Selfie


Days of Elijah

Jamie Leibovitch and Youth Leader Dan Farmer ( on drums) played with the choir for the song Days of Elijah at our Palm Sunday service.

King Albert Visit

King Albert visit

Bev Baxter was recently showing the children of King Albert school the Stained Glass window of the empty tomb.

February Birthdays

Today there was a birthday cake for everyone who had a birthday in February.
One special birthday to celebrate is Bill Witham who turns 90 on February 28th!


Pancake Tuesday

Here are some photos from our wonderful Pancake supper.  Thank you to everyone who came out and to our volunteers (young and old alike) that made it such a success.

Click on any image to enlarge and carry on with the rest of the gallery.

50 Years of Marriage

On Sunday Dec. 28th at 4:30 St. Paul’s had a wedding renewal ceremony at the church.  It was 50 years to the exact day and time of the original wedding.

The couple are Anglicans and wanted the renewal done as a full wedding, with slight alterations of the words.

We congratulate Val and Tommy Montgomery on their 50th year of marriage.

Christmas Eve and Christmas Day Events

Here are some images below from Rev. Warren’s children’s talk on Christmas Eve, and the Youth presentation called Santa’s Favorite Story – which was about the birth of Jesus.

Our Christmas dinner was prepared by Chef Edna Smith and the Happy Cooks and served by at least 30 volunteers from St. Paul’s and from the local community.

At least 120 guests were served plus the volunteers. About 150 meals served plus some take out meals.

Afterwards, Our music Director Gordon Brown , supported by an impromptu choir, finished the evening with Carols.

Gingerbread Tree Raffle Winners

Gingerbread trees

The beautiful Gingerbread trees, made by prize winning gingerbread house and tree maker, Colleen Staples were raffled off today. All proceeds from this raffle is to benefit our Youth Program. The winners are:

  • First prize- large tree -Shirley William
  • Second- med and small – Jeanette Bowrin
  • Third- two small trees- Judy Robinson

We will announce at a later date how much was raised from this raffle.

Adelaide Christmas Service

Nineteen people attended a special early Christmas service at Adelaide Place. Bill Witham led the Carols on his accordion!