like-us-on-facebookIf you have an account on Facebook and want to see pictures of events that have just happened, or want to know what is coming up, you can “Like us” on Facebook.  If you want your friends to join in the fun, you can encourage them to do the same.  How?  A few ways.

  1. You can share a post that St. Paul’s has posted, and invite your friends to Like the page.
  2. You can right a message on your timeline like “You may want to see upcoming events at St. Paul’s Anglican Church”.  As you type in the name of our church, you should see a drop down menu that shows our church listed.  Click on that, and it will create a link to the church!

We try to share images of events on our FB page as well as here on the site.  Don’t forget that we have the weekly bulletin, the up to date Grapevine, the Sunday Recorded Sermons all here for your convenience.