Coming Events at St. Paul’s

  • Summer Services – Sunday morning services will once again be held in the air-conditioned comfort of our Main Hall over the summer (July 7—September 1). Please note: due to many technical issues in the past summers, there will be no live-streaming during this summer.
  • September 8, 2024 Back to Church Sunday!
    Please join us as we head “back into the Church” and come together again after the Summer. This year we will share some fellowship after the service with an Indoor BBQ in the Main Hall.
  • Season of CreationFrom Sept. 8 to Oct. 6, St Paul’s will observe the Season of Creation. This is a period set aside for Christians to renew our relationship with our Creator and all of Creation.
    Despite the negative news that we hear regularly about the climate crises, as Christians we always have a reason for hope. How might we continue to dare to hope, and to act, alongside the rest of God’s creation? Please take time to prayerfully consider the Bible verses for this season, Romans 8:19-25
    Did you know that you can join a prayer service with Christians around the world on the Feast of Creation, September 1st? Go to or visit their YouTube page.2024 Quilt draw
  • 2024 Quilt Draw. The Kent family has graciously donated Muriel’s last quilt to St. Paul’s for a quilt raffle. Tickets are now on sale.
    Draw will be made the evening of our Mystery Dinner on Oct. 26th.
  • Summer Grapevine is now available.  If you would like to read yours here, please download and enjoy.
  • Mystery Dinner – October 26 – Save the date!  More details soon.
  • Please note that we have implemented a the cut off date for any changes to the Booklet, (used on Sundays) also to This and That and the Prayer List. Any changes must be received in the office before noon on Tuesdays. Thank you! Lectors requiring large print readings will find them in the blue folder on the bulletin board outside the office.