A big shout out to Paul Carpentier for all of his hard work cooking and organizing all of this!
We had an amazing, yet humbling, Christmas Day Dinner at St. Paul’s
What a privilege to be the hands and feet delivering God’s provisions and love to those in need. One hundred and eight guests were fed, with many having seconds (+). There was 140 lbs of turkey and 30 lbs of ham, plus all the fixings, consumed. They really wanted their meat and potatoes, and surprisingly went light on desserts. Nine people received a portion of the 40 lb turkey that Kawartha Food Services had us cook and pass on to those in need. We also gave out many a take home left-over package to help them out.
It was so rewarding, but again humbling. There were 21 exceptional volunteers who made the event successful. They intuitively saw what needed to be done and made it happen. It was obvious (and verbalized) how much being part of this dinner “Made Their Christmas”. My heartfelt thanks goes out to them. I also wish to thank Bev Baxter and Betty Hooper for being our greeters. We all know the warm, outgoing personalities these ladies have, and they set the mood for each guest coming in (and going out). People were truly welcomed to St. Pauls’. Thanks go to Linda and Larry Todd for helping me through the last minute rush (+), and to Phyllis for all the hours she put in (before, during and after). Thanks to David Strickland for the wonderful Christmas music he provided on his guitar. Finally, my thanks goes out to each of you for the desserts, donations, and other places where you stepped up to help make this much needed dinner happen.
God Bless. Paul Carpentier – Convenor