"To know Jesus and make Him known."

Spring Thaw

Spring Thaw was a fun event, with a silent and live auction.  Thanks to all who attended and to the volunteers who worked in the kitchen and served the food.

Note from Barb Truax

Thank you to all!

Another fun night was held on April 11 with a delicious dinner catered by Edna Smith (the apple roses were wonderful!) and the very capable wait staff.  Many laughs were provided by our Master of Ceremonies, Michael Green, who outdid himself!

Councillor Pat O’Reilly auctioned the items in the Live Auction and provided more fun!

My sincere thanks are extended to Linda Todd and Patti Fisher for the Silent and Live Auction tables, Bob Whitfield, our wine sommelier, Helen Roberts, our hostess and Dave Hillman for setting up the tables and those that laundered cloths at home.

To those loyal individuals who came to set the tables and the volunteers who served our dinner, I am indebted.  Thank you Betty Drummond for pulling together the staff servers.  I must mention Valerie James-Call for designing the tickets.

We are thankful to all those generous donors  and ‘winners’ of our auction items that allowed the evening to net around $2500.00 for St. Paul’s.  Great work!

However, the evening would not have netted this sum without those who attended the event and supported it.

My hat goes off to all who participated in any way!!